Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Juggling Chainsaws: Part 1

After months (no, years) of waiting, we're finally kicking off our donor egg IVF cycle. Donor went in for baseline today and reportedly has "tons of teaney follicles." She begins medication tonight (150 IU Gonal, 75IU of Menopur). I don't know if she does this once or twice daily. Her next monitoring is on Monday.

The medicine has been in her possession since November. I pray to god that she's taken good care of it and KEPT THE GONAL REFRIGERATED. That's my biggest fear at this point. I'm sure more fear will manifest between now and Monday. Because life wouldn't be right if I weren't juggling chainsaws. I've gotten to be damn good at it.

Today's Starlight:
  • Sleeping laaaate! I (heart) vacation.
  • Cheesy fries... my arteries do not thank me.
  • Having a husband who gets up at 5:30 a.m. to drive 15 miles away to my mom's house to shovel her driveway.
  • Watching my cat have a sneezing fit. Hilarious to watch.

1 comment:

  1. All the best for your donor cycle!! I am 12 weeks pregnant by a donor and hope that you have the same success as me!!

    Good luck!
